The diabetes diagnosis probably nobody puts so just go away. And few people know at the beginning what they will be expected really. Fear, uncertainty, panic! I am convinced that the age plays a crucial role in the diagnosis, how good or bad they put away the diagnosis. To be honest. Am I glad to have get diabetes as a child. Although the therapy was even more complicated and strict at the time, I think that it is easier to grow up with diabetes than it is to get, for example, in adolescence or adulthood.
Diabetes Blog Week
When I meet on a diabetes rookie, then my first comment is actually always the same. "It's not so wild, because you grow pure". Probably it will help not much further. Finally, everything is from one day to the next from scratch. Just released from hospital one is loaded with information, has been a more or less personalized treatment plan to the hand and everyone in the environment you bombarded with his smattering of knowledge about the disease which indeed has the grandmother of a brother of a friend for many years. And the must eat no more cakes and blind it is also almost. Boom! How motivating. And now?
Stay calm. Best first turn to draft. Although they are all probably loving-intentioned advice. Concentrate first on yourself. And, welcome to the club!
My 10 tips for Diabetes Starter
1. Think Positiv. Life goes on. With diabetes you can get old. That was not so many years ago. Diabetes is you also help your body to get to know better and sooner or later you're going to build a decent knowledge of nutrition. Hey, who can say how many of your circle of friends already carbohydrates stuck in a chocolate marshmallow and what impact it has on your metabolism.
2. You must not do without. Today you have to keep as type 1 diabetics no specific diet. You can eat anything. Only you have to learn your insulin it to calculate correctly. But even that is sometime over in flesh and blood.
3. Make friends with the diabetes. It is like it is. There is still no cure. That is the diabetes is now with you. Day after day. Ignore brings nothing. He is staying. Maybe a lifetime. He will not always be nice to you. But the more you carest not for him and his presence will respect, the better you come together clear. A puppy is housebroken not from the beginning. Diabetes is not your enemy. Do not be afraid of him.
4. Hide your not diabetes. It costs much more energy than if you deal with it openly from the beginning.
5. Do not get confuse. There are many ways to check blood sugar, administer insulin and manage diabetes.
New technology may not necessarily be good and right for you. Many of them require some experience and knowledge of diabetes which you do not yet have in the beginning. Catch the simplest and at key as you slowly. You'll soon not notice what's makes life easier with diabetes and what.
6. Food is not your enemy. You'll quickly realize what influence food, and especially what's inside, will have on your life and you're going to eventually become a more true appraiser. Along the way, you'll also often stumble and you simply misjudge what is an adverse effect on your blood sugar. Don't panic! You just have to learn how did you deal with food. Trail and error. Learning is better than without. It is important that you do not lose the courage and the pleasure of eating at incorrect estimates and maybe even get afraid of doing something wrong. A good starting aid can help in the form of apps, such as Carbs & Cals Food databases.
7. Find the right doctor. Granted, this is not always easy. Especially in the beginning when you are still quite inexperienced, it is difficult to assess whether the selected diabetologist is really the right thing. A good consultant diabetologist and diabetes are extremely important. They should help you manage your diabetes and accompany you on at your therapy. If you feel uncomfortable, try out another doctor. Even though you might have to invest for some time and longer journeys. It is worth it ..
8. Take responsibility. It's your diabetes. You have to live with him. Not your doctor, counselor and family or friend. You can place you with help and advice to side, but you have to put up with him and manage apart. Do not blame others when things do not run as it should. We all have highs and lows. That is normal.
9. Learn from your diabetes. It may not always run smooth. Living with diabetes, means learning long a life. Something is going wrong? Write down you. Next time you know better. Vote for this diabetes diaries. Analog or digital. Data are the basis of every diabetes therapy, and you can learn from them wonderfully.
10. You will reciprocate with others. Most you can have the same on the cheek of the people. Say, other diabetics. Whether online or offline. Concretes but always that you're at it "fresh". Otherwise, many well-intentioned advice can perhaps be more confusing or too much.
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